• Reporting channel

    Portuguese management platform developed and customized in accordance with Law 93/2021 which transposes Directive (EU) 2019/1937 with advanced aes-256 encryption

    Custom Design
    Custom Adress
    Unlimited Admin Accounts
    Unlimited User Accounts
    2 Factor Authentication




Some satisfied customers

Reporting channel - GOWhistleblow is the ideal and personalized solution to support the implementation of Law 93/2021.

The GOWhistleblow reporting channel allows you to quickly and effectively support compliance with legal requirements while maintaining the confidentiality of the whistleblower. The reporting channel is designed and can also be customized based on Directive (EU) 2019/1937 – Whistleblowing and Directive (EU) 2016/680 – GDPR.

  • External channel <br/>to the entity and online

    External channel
    to the entity and online

    The entity does not have access to any technical component of the platform, so it cannot be corrupted, and only the information inherent to the complaint is presented through login, safeguarding everyone involved.
  • Protection and<br> encryption

    Protection and

    The GOWhistleblow reporting channel places extreme importance on protecting the whistleblower by requesting only necessary information and uses AES-256 encryption methods to safeguard their identity.
  • Management and <br />resolution of incidents

    Management and
    resolution of incidents

    The platform allows managers to consult only necessary information about the incident and manage it, and it is not possible to obtain personal information from the complainant if they do not want it.
  • Custom UI/UX <br>and address

    Custom UI/UX
    and address

    The GOWhistleblow reporting channel can be fully customized with the entity branding (logo, colors, etc) and UI/UX and can operate on the entity own domain using a subdomain without being hosted on their own.
  • Multi-entity <br>capability


    The platform offers the possibility of creating several entities within the same company, being the best option for those who have several branches, facilitating the management process with specific reports for each one.
  • Mobile application <br />available

    Mobile application

    The platform is also available in mobile application format (Android and iOS), for faster, more practical and efficient use, facilitating the entire process of submitting and following up on the complaint.
  • Customizable  <br>form


    The platform allows you to customize the fields presented in the complaint submission form so that it is possible to adapt the requested information to the type of entity targeted in addition to the entire management flow.
  • Technological support <br />and assistance

    Technological support
    and assistance

    If you have any questions or requests for support or clarification, you can always contact us so that you can receive an adequate response and correction of any possible errors contained in the platform or other inherent services.
  • Platform <br>training


    Although the reporting channel is designed for easy management, training for managers in the use and management of the reporting channel is included for easy adoption within your company and this new reality.
Cumprir a lei de modo fácil com recurso à tecnologia

Comply with the law
easy using technology

Organizations identified in Law 93/2021 are required to have a secure reporting channel to safeguard the whistleblower. It is extremely important to allow this channel to safely identify situations so that organizations can grow with more transparency and ethics. The GOWhisteblow reporting channel aims to support and facilitate compliance with the law using advanced technologies.

24/7 Online Solution + Whistleblower Protection

Protect the

With the new legal context of Law 93/2021, which transposes Directive (EU) 2019/1937 - Whistleblowing establishes the obligation for public or private collective entities with more than 50 employees to provide a reporting channel that allows anonymous reporting. The law comes into force on June 18, 2022 and provides for fines of up to €250,000 for organizations that do not comply with the legal requirement.

GDPR + encryption

Proteja a organização


Ideal reporting channel for whistleblowers and whistleblower managers.

Any complainant using a device connected to the internet can access the address of the entity`s reporting channel and complete the incident in just a few steps, safeguarding their identity in a 100% confidential manner. The whistleblower can consult and add information to the complaint without compromising their identity, thus keeping up to date with the progress of the complaint investigation process.

Reporting channel

Access the organizations` official websites at any time.

Reporting channel

Complaint submission

Make your report 100% confidentially in just a few steps.

Complaint submission

Complaint summary

Check the veracity of all information before submitting.

Complaint summary


Receive confirmation when the report is successfully submitted.


Follow complaint

Monitor the status of the Process anonymously whenever you wish.

Follow complaint
Reporting channel
Complaint submission
Complaint summary
Follow complaint

Each complaints manager can consult the complaint without knowing the origin or identity of the complainant, only having access to information relating to the complaint itself. Each manager can communicate with the complainant requesting more information or clarification in cases of possible doubts without either party knowing who is on the other side of the communication.

BackOffice Complaints Management

Some customers who use our reporting channel

Câmara de S. João da Madeira Câmara de Reguengos de Monsaraz Valença Agere Leerdam Crisal Glass Alto Minho

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